Prayer Focus 17 November 2019

Each week we focus our prayers around a specific topic or need, as well as one of our Core Commitments from our church vision. The prayers in our church services will reflect this, but we’d love you to be praying with us around these things in your Grace Community Groups and in your own personal prayer time.

Changes At Grace

This week, our prayer focus is on upcoming changes in the life of our church family.

‘’Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.’
(Hebrews 13:8 ESV)’

  1. Thank the Lord that he never changes
  2. Thank the Lord for our church family, and for gospel-growth among us
  3. Pray for peace, grace and humility as we face big changes to our worship services next year
  4. Pray for wisdom for our leaders as they plan and prepare for these changes
  5. Pray that the changes would encourage oneness in the pursuit of the gospel together as the body of Christ.

Core Commitment – Church Membership

Each week, we also pray through one of the Core Commitments from our church vision. This week’s commitments is

‘By grace, we are committed to grow together in Jesus
through the practice of church membership. (John 13:34, 1 Corinthians 5:12)

Please pray with us that we would take our commitment to our church family seriously, loving one-another and actively partnering together for the sake of the gospel.