Prayer Focus: ANZAC Day (21 Apr 2019)

On Thursday this week we will be marking ANZAC Day, and so this week’s prayer focus will be on our armed forces. Please pray with us around the following points:

  1. Thank God for those who have sacrificed for our peace and freedom. As Jesus said, ‘Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.’ (John 15:13 ESV)
  2. Pray for the safety and mental and physical wellbeing of those currently serving our country in various theatres of war.
  3. Pray for the families of servicemen and women who are separated from their loved ones during active duty, and for the families left behind by those who will never return.
  4. Pray for veterans who still bear the physical and mental scars and disabilities of their service.
  5. Pray that we would remember with sober hearts this ANZAC Day, but that the Lord would keep us from ever glorifying the horror and tragedy of war.
  6. Pray for defence force chaplains, that they would bring the comfort and strength of the gospel of Jesus Christ to those serving our country.
  7. Pray for the Lord to speed the day when ‘nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.’ (Isaiah 2:4 ESV)