Prayer Focus: Missions Partners (24 Mar 2019)

Each month, our GO Team prepares prayer points to help us pray for our mission partners. Please join us as we commit them to the Lord in prayer.

The Handasyde family

(JAARS Training, USA)

  • Thank God for His work in opening people’s hearts to support the Handasyde’s! They recently had an influx of support going from 83% to 94% in a short period of time.
  • Thank God for His providential hand in approving the Handasyde’s visas, the successful US consulate visit and Robert’s current aviation training.
  • Pray for the application of the work visas for Papua New Guinea and that there would be no delays during the application process. Ask God to grant Rob and Loralie the wisdom and focus to gather the necessary documents submitting them with the correct details.
  • Pray for the family that they would continue to trust the Lord in the tasks ahead and that the children, Emily and Michael, will cope with the transition of living in a new place.







The Richards family

(Talua Training Institute, Vanuatu)

  • Thank God for granting the Richards their visas and that they can finally go back to Vanuatu!
  • Pray for travelling mercies as they return to Vanuatu.

The Fowler family

(AFES, University of the Sunshine Coast)

  • Thank God for the student leaders and their service at the University of the Sunshine Coast. Pray God would raise up more students to lead and ask for discernment and wisdom in the group’s nominations.
  • Ask God to bless the evangelism of the campus group allowing them to reach the lost in effective and creative ways.