Prayer Focus: “Music Ministry at Grace” (14 July 2019)

Worship Service Music Ministry at Grace

The primary purpose of our music ministry at Grace is a practical one. It  is to lead the rest of the congregation in sung worship.

Of course, musicians leading aren’t essential to our ability to worship. We could just get everyone together in church, count to three and start singing. But what would probably happen is that we’d end up with different tempos, different keys, different words, and (worst-case scenario) different songs!

This would hardly be the model of unity and order that God expects for his church, the body of the Lord Jesus Christ! (see 1 Corinthians 14:40, Colossians 3:14-17)

Related to leading, the secondary purpose of a music ministry team is to model what united, worshipping Christians look like.

In both these ways, all of the congregation is to be encouraged in offering praise to the Lord through song.

Please pray for our Music Ministry in the following ways:

  • That our musicians (in coordination with our pastors and worship leaders) would select songs for congregational worship that reflect the truth of the Bible, and allow our congregation to sing praise to God in an authentic and meaningful way
  • To present these songs in a way which is conducive to corporate singing
  • In all that we do, to seek to serve others and bring God glory, rather than seeking our own good and glory.
  • That the Lord would raise-up additional musicians to assist the congregation in its praises.