Prayer Focus: ‘Right Priorities’ (19 Jul 2020)

Each week we focus our worship service and Grace Community Group prayers on a topic or theme. This week, our prayer focus is for right priorities.

‘But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.’ (Matthew 6:33 ESV)

  1. Thank God for the security and blessing he has given us forever in Jesus 
  2. Ask for forgiveness for where we have prioritised our own ‘kingdoms’ over God’s kingdom
  3. Ask for God’s help to learn to value the things that he values, and that his priorities might be our priorities
  4. Ask for God’s help to trust in his care and provision for us

Each week, we also pray through one of the core commitments from our church vision statement. This week’s commitment is to being part of a Grace Community Group.

‘By grace, we are committed to grow together in Jesus
through regularly attending Grace Community Groups’
(Acts 2:42-47)

Please pray that our GC Groups would be places where real Christian relationships flourish, where people are loved, encouraged and cared for, especially while we wait patiently to meet all together.