Recent Meetings: Session Report (25 Mar 2019)

The Session of Grace Christian Church, Buderim, met in their monthly stated meeting on Monday, 25 March 2019. Present were Teaching Elders John Butler and Clint Lombard, and Ruling Elders Brad Joyce, Des Morris, and Tim Richards. Ruling Elder nominee Renier Scheepers was also in attendance.

Pastor John gave a devotion on the first half of Psalm 89, and the members of Session noted the steadfastness of God being a cause for our trust in Him. The motivation of gratitude for God’s mercies was also noted. Pastor Clint led the Session in a fruitful discussion of the first chapter of The Compelling Community, by Mark Dever and Jamie Dunlop.

Among the items of business discussed by the elders were:

* Sharing of prayer requests and a season of prayer for various matters of concern to the congregation.

* A discussion of the use of modern versus older English lyrics in our hymnody. It was decided that, if possible, more modern language lyrics would be used. It was also decided that the incorporation of the singing of Psalms or psalm settings was desirable and the musicians of the church will work toward greater utilization of them in our worship.

* Marie Butler was authorised an additional two weeks’ employment to assist Anna Jones in completing several administrative projects.

* A prayer card for use in neighbourhood outreach was approved. There will be more on this project to come soon.

* Pastor Clint will be leading worship outreach at Sunny Cove Care Centre in Maroochydore and Pastor John will lead worship and pastoral care from Grace at Regis Lakeside Care Centre in Sippy Downs. Volunteers to assist in these ministries are needed.

* Pastor John will take over supervision of our 10 Grace Community Groups and Pastor Clint will supervise the Grace Youth ministry on Friday evenings.

* After consultation with Immigration, the Butlers’ work visa will expire in February 2021 and he will not be able to be called to serve Grace beyond that date. The Session will begin working on a succession plan and present it to the congregation by year’s end.

* There was discussion regarding upgrades the church’s audio systems.

* The church will utilise a mowing contractor to supplement our mowing roster’s workers. If you can help with yard work at Grace, please see Anna Jones!

* A Next Steps New Member Inquiry Course is  scheduled for Saturday, 11 May, 8-Noon.

* Session approved a request from WPC Belconnen that Pastor John fill their pulpit on 7 July.

* Pastor John’s request for personal leave (vacation) from 30 July to 22 August was approved.

* Dr Noel Weeks was approved as speaker at our Spring Bible Conference, Sunday-Monday 6-7 October (Queen’s Birthday weekend in Queensland).

We appreciate your prayers for us in our labours. If you have questions regarding these items listed, please contact any member of Session.