Summary of Recent Meetings (Feb/Mar 2018)

Please find below a summary of recent meetings concerning our church and its ministries, and our wider denomination.

24 Feb 2018 – WPC Queensland Presbytery Meeting


The meeting began with a discussion on gospel ministry in a changing society, led by Terry Clarke (formerly SCTC) and Dan Bosshard (WPC Pacific Paradise).

Fifteen elders were present and welcomed a two-man delegation from WPC Belconnen (ACT), who were present to explore strengthening the relationships between our churches on the east coast.

New officers were elected, with Rod Abbot (WPC Redbank Plains) elected to Moderator until May 2019, and Clint Lombard (WPC Buderim) elected to Clerk until May 2022. Al Baigrie (WPC Morayfield) is still serving his three-year term as Treasurer. Appreciation was shown to outgoing Moderator Darren Burnett (WPC Morayfield) and outgoing Clerk David Smith (WPC Redbank Plains).

The meeting tabled upcoming training for ruling elders on Sat 24 March 2017, the possibility of Presbytery Magazine, and reports from the various churches and committees. Reports were followed by prayer.

The meeting also received notice of resignation by former WPC Buderim Teaching Elder Rick Zylstra, and moved to received his resignation and to withdraw his ministerial credentials with WPC, without animus, due to his affiliation with another ecclesiastical body.

The Presbytery also handed down to the local church Sessions amendments to the Book of Church Order from the National Assembly in October 2017, to be reviewed and report back to the Presbytery at the next meeting in May 2018.


25 Feb 2018 – Mid-Year Congregational Business Meeting

Our annual Mid-Year Congregational Meeting was fruitful and encouraging. 37 of 69 current communicant members were in attendance.

Summary items from the meeting include

  1. In lieu of minutes of the Congregational Meeting of 19 February 2017 (lost due to technical failure), an apology from the clerk and a report of the meeting were received without objection
  2. The congregation approved that the Session establishes a ‘Building Improvement Fund’ in order to install an air-conditioning system in the main auditorium and church hall. Details for making donations to this fund will be forthcoming.
  3. A Treasurer’s Report was also received, which showed that we are exceeding our budgeted income. We are grateful to the Lord for his provision through the generous giving of his people.
  4. Men were nominated as officers for our church. For Ruling Elder, Renier Scheepers, Brad Joyce and Tim Richards, and for Deacon, Paul Beard and Johnathan Grieger. These men will undergo training over the next few months, with a view to standing for election at our Sep 2018 AGM.
  5. The intention of the Session is to hold a combined worship service on the morning of Sunday 9 September 2018, immediately prior to the Annual General Meeting.


5 Mar 2018 – Session Meeting

The Session Meeting of 26 February 2018 was rescheduled to a week later on 5 March 2018, due to unavailability of elders.

Each month, the elders discuss pastoral needs and spend time praying as a group for the church and its people, especially those we know have special needs.

Summary items from the meeting include

  1. Session approved an advertisement to hire a permanent Church Administrator, with applications closing on 16 April 2018. The vacancy will first be advertised within the church family.
  2. Session approved a request for study leave from Clint Lombard, in order to attend the Oxygen Conference in Sydney from 25-28 June 2018.
  3.  Approval was given for Treasurer John Hopping to manage the Building Improvement Fund, following the motion at the Mid-Year Congregational Business Meeting.
  4. Average attendance at worship services for the year to date was noted. 7.45am records an average of 74 people (up to 90); 9.30am records an average of 62 people (up to 73) and GROW @ GRACE, an average of 17 (up to 21). A general, slow upward trend across all services was also noted.
  5. Session approved the expenditure for a training workshop for our music ministry teams, on using the audio system
  6. A proposal was received to establish a Women’s Ministry Planning Committee, which was gladly approved
  7. Encouraging reports were received regarding the Grace ALIVE! youth ministry, Sunday School and GROW @ GRACE.
  8. A donation of $500.00 was approved for the RI ministry at Buderim Mountain State School. (This donation is made annually).

Thank you for your prayers! If you have any questions about any of the above, please contact one of the elders. You may also email the church Session.