Prayer Focus: WPC National Assembly (05 May 2019)

Our church leaders are meeting in Perth this week for the 23rd National Assembly of the WPC. Please pray for the delegates, their churches, and the meetings taking place. The following points may help to direct your prayers.

  1. Pray for safe travels for the delegates, especially those travelling from interstate or overseas
  2. Pray for warm, gospel-centred fellowship among those attending, and that they may be encouraged for their varying ministries during their time spent together
  3. Pray for wisdom and grace as important matters are discussed about marriage, child safety, amendments to our documents, policies and procedures
  4. Pray for discussions and plans about overseas missions, including the establishment of a national missions committee
  5. Pray for those churches who are looking for new pastors and gospel workers, that faithful gospel ministry may continue under the right leadership
  6. Pray for a continued faithful witness to the gospel of Jesus by our WPC churches across Australia as we notice a major shift in our society’s attitude towards the church.