Missions Update, August 2017

Here are our latest updates and prayer requests from our partner missionaries.

Dave & Anna Fowler

University of the Sunshine Coast (Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students)

University of the Sunshine Coast

Universities in Australia are full of students who are poised to make life-changing decisions about what they believe and where they are heading. AFES works in this God-given window of opportunity to reach students for Christ.

Pray for Dave and Anna as they help and encourage students in their Christian growth and witness, through running training events, bible studies, and providing materials for evangelism and study.

Karen & Karen Hopping

Solomon Islands (Wycliffe Bible Translators, Australia)

Karen writes: “THANK YOU to YOU for your faithfulness in partnering with us to allow me to continue this work for another year before handing over to LASI [Literacy Association Solomon Islands] to take on Bible based literacy work around the country!  Praise God for the impact Bible based literacy classes are having on the lives of many Solomon Islanders! I am thrilled to hear this news and so certain that God is going to do even greater things as I work hard the next 17 months training up and empowering local Solomon Islanders to take over this important ministry!”

Pray for Karen as she continues this work with the view to transition back to Australia soon.

Richards Family

Enefa Ministry Training Centre in Vanuatu

Tanna man using a MegaVoice, a solar-powered audio device loaded with a vernacular New Testament – one way in which someone might ‘receive’ or take in the Bible.

Tom asks for prayer for his students, that they will come to a fresh and true understanding of the grace in the Gospel of Christ.

Pray for Tom as he prepares material and teaches, that God will speak through him, challenging and changing hearts and lives of the future pastors & teachers of Vanuatu

Marshall Family

Christian Academy of Japan, Tokyo (OMF)

Pray for both David and Wendy who have taken on new roles recently, with David director of teaching at the school and Wendy overseeing the OMF Japan website as well as continuing with their other teaching and editing work. Pray for their eldest son, Callum, who has just graduated, as he considers his next steps.

To find out more about our missions partnerships, please contact us.