Mnemonic Devices for Christian Living (MDCLs)

Lots of areas of life have mnemonic devices employing acronyms to help us remember important procedures, tasks, etc. I remember in my Army days using the SALUTE report: Size of the enemy formation, Activity they were engaged in, Location, Uniform they were wearing, Time of the sighting, and Equipment they were using.  Another from school days is the list of the planets in relation to the Sun: My Very Elegant Mother Just Sat Upon Nine Pins (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto – yes, Pluto was a planet back in my youth).

The Christian life has such memory aids as well. You probably have heard how to structure your prayers:  ACTS – Adoration, Confession of Sin, Thanksgiving, and Supplication. Or prioritizing your prayer concerns: JOY – Jesus, Others, Yourself. Or the order of Paul’s Epistles between 2 Corinthians and 1 Timothy: General Electric Power Company (Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians). And there’s GOSPEL: God’s Only Son Provides Everlasting Life. And GRACE: God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense.

There’s a whole slew of them at

What do you pray before you read the Bible? Consider using John Piper’s acronym I.O.U.S.:

  • Incline my heart to your testimonies (Psalm 119:36).
  • Open my eyes to see wonders in your word (Psalm 119:18).
  • Unite my heart to fear your name (Psalm 86:11).
  • Satisfy me with your steadfast love (Psalm 90:14).


So, what is the point of this devotional? I encourage your GROWTH in the Lord!

G – Go to God in Prayer Daily

R – Read God’s Word Daily

O – Obey God, moment by moment

W – Witness for Christ by your life and words

T – Trust God for every detail of your life

H – Holy Spirit – allow God to control and empower your daily life