Prayer Focus: Missions (28 Jul 2019)

Each month, our GO Team prepare prayer points to help us pray for our mission partners. Please join us as we commit them to the Lord in prayer.

The Richards

  1. Pray that God gives wisdom to Tom in working on the new curriculum.
  2. Ask God for a speedy application process for the course accreditation.
  3. Ask God for patience in dealing with all the paperwork.
  4. Pray for Margaret as she cares and teaches the kids, as well as fostering gospel relationships at the college.

Rob and Loralie Handasyde

  1. Praise God for Loralie’s professional registration as an optometrist in PNG being approved.
  2. Praise God for the successful completion of the orientation course, and for all the things they learnt during this time. 
  3. Pray for the US visa extension to be quickly approved and that the work permits and visas for PNG will also be processed in the right time.
  4. Pray for the bible translation work in PNG – that God’s Word may bring life and freedom to those who are waiting.

Dave Fowler

  1. Pray for the Sunshine Coast Christian Students as the second semester has begun! Ask God to continue to grant them evangelism opportunities on the campus.
  2. Pray that the students, leaders and staff of Christian Students would wisely apply the encouraging teachings gained from the recent Mid-Year Conference.
  3. Ask God to bring more Christians to the Christian Students and that they would seek to mature in their faith through the study of God’s word.