Prayer Focus: ‘Our Children at School’ (06 Jun 2021)

Each week we focus our church family prayers on a topic or theme. This week, our prayer focus is for our children at school.

‘All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children.’ (Isaiah 54:13 ESV)

  • Thank the LORD for that our children are able to attend school to learn and grow
  • Pray that our children would be followers of the Lord Jesus at school, being salt and light as they love God and those around them with their words and actions.
  • Pray for their protection against evil, and wisdom to discern between worldly ways of thinking and the LORD’s ways. 

Core Commitment Each week, we also pray through one of our church’s core commitments. This week’s core commitment is to support  and encourage missions.

By grace, we are committed to declare to the world that Jesus Christ is Lord
through supporting and encouraging local and international mission work.
(see Acts 1:8, Romans 1:11-13)

Please pray for our local and international mission partners, that we would have the desire and the means to encourage and support their ministry.