Prayer Focus: ‘Our Mid-Year Business Meeting’ (27 Feb 2022)

Each week we focus our church family prayers on a topic or theme. This week, our prayer focus is for our Mid-Year Business Meeting.

‘Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind.‘ (1 Peter 3:8 ESV)

  • Thank the Lord for our church family, and the many blessings he has generously given 
  • Pray for a spirit of unity, compassion, love, sensitivity and humility to prevail at our meeting today
  • Pray that we would be wise and faithful stewards of all that the Lord has blessed us with, so that we might know Christ and make him known. 

Core Commitment 

Each week, we also pray through one of our church’s core commitments. This week’s core commitment is to clearly presenting Jesus.

By grace, we are committed to learn about Jesus
through clearly and understably presenting the Lord Jesus Christ
as the fulfillment of all Scripture and the only sacrifice for our sin .
(see Luke 24:44-48)

Please pray for everyone who teaches in our church (preachers, Sunday School teachers, youth leaders, RI helpers, Grace Community group leaders, etc.) to always clearly teach the Bible in a way that clearly points to Jesus