Prayer Focus: Our Sunday School Program (8 Sep 2019)

This week’s prayer focus is our Sunday School program at Grace. We have a Sunday School operating during the morning worship services (0745 and 0930) during the school terms. Children age 4 through Year 6 in school may attend. We are blessed with teachers for both of those services, but could certainly use more to help round out the roster, plus additional helpers to adequately meet our safety standards.

Would you please pray:

  1. For our teachers, that the Lord would give them patience, wisdom, and grace as they help us in bringing up our children “in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.”
  2. For additional teachers, gifted to teach little ones
  3. For helpers in the classes with a love for our children and a desire to help disciple them
  4. For parents and grandparents to take an interest in what our children are learning, and help reinforce what they have learned in our Sunday School
  5. For those who develop Sunday School curriculum that is faithful to the Word and helpful in the instruction of our children
  6. For our children, that they might be given new life in Christ!