Prayer Focus: ‘Thanks and Request’ (27 Jun 2021)

Each week we focus our church family prayers on a topic or theme. This week, our prayer focus is for our AFES mission partners at the University of the Sunshine Coast.

‘Teach me your way, O LORD, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name.’ (Psalm 86:11 ESV)

  • Thank the LORD for the ministries of Dave Fowler and his colleagues on the different USC campuses, and for the gospel impact taking place among students
  • Pray students would be protected from recent attempts by a cult to pull them away from Christ 
  • Pray for continued provision and open doors for AFES’ ministry to flourish, as students come to know Jesus and are encouraged in their walk with him.

Core Commitment

Core Commitment Each week, we also pray through one of our church’s core commitments. This week’s core commitment is to expository preaching and teaching.

By grace, we are committed to learn about Jesus
through the regular expository preaching and teaching of the Bible.
(see 2 Timothy 4:2)

Please pray For our preachers and teachers to approach God’s Word humbly, to not shy away from the difficult passages in the Bible, and to rely on God to speak in his Word.