9:30am, 19 February 2017 Speaker: Clint Lombard Text: Revelation 2:12-17 Despite standing firm as followers of Jesus in the face of horrendous persecution, the church at Pergamum had drifted from their true north in God’s Word. Their experience shows how easily our society, our culture, and our own hearts’ desires can begin to dilute our […]

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3. “Facing Prison” (Revelation 2:8-11)

9:30am, 12 February 2017 Speaker: Clint Lombard Text: Revelation 2:8-11 Persecution is a reality for followers of Jesus in a world hostile to him and his gospel. But in modern Australia, real persecution often seems very distant to us. Of course, we ought to pray for, support and encourage our persecuted brothers and sisters in […]

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2. “First Love Lost” (Revelation 2:1-7)

9:30am, 5 February 2017 Speaker: Clint Lombard Text: Revelation 2:1-7 While sound Biblical teaching is essential for a healthy church, a church cannot stand on teaching alone. Sound teaching must generate love for God, and love for neighbour, both inside and outside the church, or that church is in danger of being removed as a […]

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